Monday, April 16, 2012

Munching Through Pages

     I like paper.  The smell of it vie for the place of my coffee.  I am acidic actually but that doesn't prevent me drinking it.  Paper is the same but of course I don't eat it nor do I boil it for drinking.  It's more like the expense I need to throw  just to have it and, in truth,  I don't have a real job for that kind of hobby.  I tell you though that it wasn't a hobby.  I have long been in an affair with paper--  with words mostly.

     I love to read.  Growing up without any books to borrow was both depressive and has stunted my growth.  Yet I was resourceful.  The only thing I take pride of since I'm too clumsy and just too boring.  I began to read every thing: old newspapers and magazines, my uncles' textbooks, can labels, cookie boxes, shampoo and soap labels, etc.  I follow advice from my teacher's and aunts until I became so obssessed with words that I can't live without them.

     I'm still on a tight budget.  Luckily, my good friend luck whispered to my cousin that he should lend me new books.  Now, I'm very happy to just devour them.   Books, books, just come in my way...  Any body got a news paper?     

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Divine in Us


        My cousin asked me today if divinity meant that you can perform, well, things that are on the side of being magical; that God was called 'God' just because he can, say , open up sea or turn water into wine.  I told him that miracles doesn't mean that you have to conjure something out of thin air just to call it a miracle.  sometimes, having influence some one to leave his evil ways for good is considered a miracle.

     To be able to live each day, to see the sun cross the sky day and night, to be able to bring a new life, to be able to admit mistakes is a miracle.  We beings of this world is a miracle.  Who could have thought that of all the galaxies in the universe, of all the planets, only our EARTH was able to produce such complex and diverse living soup.  Isn't that considered a miracle?

     What is important now is that how are we able to continue that miracle? Can we create so much more?  The answer to that question depends on each individual.   If we considered ourselves the vessels of miracles then maybe- just maybe- we can make a much better world full of wonderfull things that we can call miracles.  Surely that make us all living things considered divine, doesn't it? 

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Polite Jeepney Passengers

     I like car pooling.  Aside from saving mother earth, you get to meet interesting people.   Filipinos are what they call helpful people.  With all the Bayanihan crap and stuff, it's not impossible to imagine it, right?  Wrong!  Try passing your fare in the jeep and it took 2 mins or more before people, who refuse to look back or just plain deaf, to take notice of you.  Try that to them and you end up being cursed.  

     If you call their attention, they'll stare daggers at you and you drop dead.   Welcome to my country folks!  I try to sit at the back of the driver most of the time in order to reach for their payments.  I'm afraid if I'll not do it, I will never reach my destination alive.

     There are also creepy men passengers who took advantage of  skimpy uniformed women.  I don't understand why companies have to make them wear those clothes only to be harassed on the way home/work or at work even.  I've seen men placing their hand(pretend unintentionally) as the girl sits.  Over the news a few years ago, a man was apprehended for molesting a high school student inside the jeepney.   My sister's boyfriend was mugged inside the jeep out of fun and the most shocking yet is that a man masturbates inside the jeep when just the girl was left as every one else had already left.  The driver didn't know about it since he sat behind him.  When he sensed something was wrong with the girl and looked back, there he found the crap crapping himself blissfully.  The driver stopped the jeep and was about to grab him when he jumped out and into oblivion.  He had several victims that year.

      Not all are that creepy though.  This one is good for a laugh.  An old lady making a hit with every good looking passenger.  People would pass amused look, the guy slips away as good ol' grams slids forward in a charging to conquer manner.  Now jeepney rides are sure interesting. 


Crappy Re-li(e)gions?

     It's always a mystery to me how I end up from one scrape to another.  And at my age it was ridiculously not right.  I never like the world  in the first place.  It was entertaining watching people go to church(which is very rare in my case for I'm not a church person) and came out later to find them cursing at one another.  Not to mention all the sleeping and gossips they do that made little buzzing sound and made you wonder why all churches echoes and why big malls doesn't.  Seeing this kind of people made my resolve deeper of not entertaining such Christ-crush.  I wonder what God thinks of them.  I wonder what he thinks of me.

     Religions have some nerves saying all goody stuffs too but not really exercising them.  For one they like to say respect and love a lot; but why do they like to convert people if they kept on saying respect every person's right.  Isn't it their right to choose their own religion?  Other religion have with them violent streak(really violent!). And there I thought religion was suppose to bring us peace.  Why bombs and suicide b(du)ombers?

     Maybe it's not about God at all.  Every thing was all about man. Man made decisions after all.  Next time I see someone talking too much about their religion, I'll say, Preach it to your legions.  I hate war.  Am I in scrape again?  Oh, I see the bonfire lit up!